Project Description

Sustainable Community Development
Since 2001, PRASAD Chikitsa has been implementing meaningful and effective sustainable community development programs. Initiatives include agricultural, environmental, educational and women’s empowerment programs that provide a more stable livelihood for the people.
Self-Help Groups (SHGs)
Women in the Tansa Valley generally have little to no education and are reliant on their husbands to support the family. The poverty and illiteracy of the region leads to numerous family and community concerns. The creation of self-help groups has allowed women to unite and has empowered them to learn new skills that serve as income generating activities.
PRASAD helps members of SHGs tackle the many problems they face, including illiteracy, alcoholism and gender roles within the community. When individuals come together to form a SHG, they each agree to contribute a nominal sum of money every month to a common pool.with PRASAD’s help in setting up processes, planning finances and decision making, the SHGs set up small scale businesses through partnerships. PRASAD Chikitsa empowers them by teaching them financial literacy, vocations and the importance of participation in formations of policy by the local government.
SHGs are involved in a range of projects, including running small businesses, improving the condition of roads and schools, organizing village cleanups, promoting HIV/AIDS awareness and accomplishing environmental initiatives.
Today, there are 250 SHGs, with more than 2,900 members among them. PRASAD’s high level of engagement helps form long lasting relationships. The success of these SHGs is inspiring more and more women to form their own groups.

PRASAD distributes education materials (textbooks, notebooks, pens, and pencils) to children that are infected with or affected by HIV / AIDS, to help facilitate school attendance.
PRASAD also organizes career seminars and workshops to educate students of grade 9 and 10 about job opportunities. Through counseling sessions, students are encouraged to pursue their interests and are guided on the required further education that will help them achieve their goal. Visiting speakers engage students in Personality development workshops to encourage holistic growth.

Arts and Crafts Program
PRASAD Chikitsa helps young people in the Tansa Valley find vocations that are rooted in the local culture. PRASAD Chikitsa also aims to preserve the century old tradition of Warli art that is indigenous to Maharashtra. PRASAD began the Kalakendra Arts & Crafts Program in 1998. The objective was to kindle the creative ability in children, to support and promote local art and to provide a social platform for the children and grown-ups to reconnect to their culture. Today, there are 319 children enrolled in PC’s Arts & Crafts Program.